Just Sustainability, Episode 5B: Teresa Peterson – Gardens and food

Dr. Teresa Peterson is a citizen of the Upper Sioux Community.  She’s on the Board of Directors and is a co-founder of Dakota Wicohan, which is a nonprofit organization that works to revitalize Dakota language and culture. She’s been a Bush Leadership Fellow, been recognized as a Native Nation Rebuilder through the Native Governance Center, and served as tribal vice-chairwoman of the Upper Sioux Community. She’s an educator, a consultant for institutions of higher-education, a gardener, and a conservator of seeds (indeed, she was featured on the Pioneers PBS show, Prairie Yard & Garden).

In this episode Teresa and I talk about her garden and how she approaches gardening. We also chat about the food traditions that have been kept alive in her family and a little bit about mindfulness and some strategies that she teaches to students to help them ground themselves through communion with nature.

Links: https://dakotawicohan.org/https://nativegov.org/native-nation-rebuilder-teresa-peterson/https://swifoundation.org/bio/teresa-peterson/